Monthly Mortgage Payment Calculator
Capital & interest monthly payment mortgage calculator
Use the calculator below to compare monthly payments on a repayment mortgage or capital and interest as they are known based on different interest rates and loan sizes.
Bear in mind that these figures are somewhat approximate as they can be affected by arrangement fees added to the loan (or some deferred fees which are paid as part of the payment such as the Halifax admin fee on which no interest is charged but is included in the mortgage payment).
Capital & Interest Mortgage payment calculator
Interest only monthly payment mortgage calculator
Use the calculator below to compare monthly payments on an interest only mortgage based on different interest rates and loan sizes.
Bear in mind that these figures are somewhat approximate as they can be affected by arrangement fees added to the loan (or some deferred fees which are paid as part of the payment such as the Halifax admin fee on which no interest is charged but is included in the mortgage payment).
Interest only mortgage payment calculator
Overall & long term cost mortgage calculator
The calculator below shows you the long term cost a mortgage including the cost per pound borrowed assuming the rate stayed the same for the whole of the mortgage.
It's very useful for seeing how much you would save if you overpaid, if you reduce the term using the same balance and rate as your current or proposed mortgage so that the payment reaches the sort of amount you could overpay by you will see how much you could save by paying off the mortgage early.
Bear in mind that these figures are somewhat approximate as they can be affected by arrangement fees added to the loan (or some deferred fees which paid as part of the payment such as the Halifax admin fee).